Aqua Essence

Sea Turtle Scheduled For Release

Gulf World Marine Institute (GWMI) will be releasing a sub adult Loggerhead Sea Turtle back to the Gulf of Mexico on Sunday,  July 8,  2012 at 10:30 EST  at Money Bayou.  Location is the first public beach access to Money Bayou,  N29.68323, W-85.30392

The loggerhead sea turtle, Basa, has a very unique story.  On March 30th, The St. Vincent’s Wildlife Refuge was participating in their annual open house. Within all the festivities, a bystander spotted an object in the water floating.  This “object” was actually a distressed loggerhead sea turtle listing to one side in the water.  It was Basa’s lucky day; help was on the way! Staff from the wildlife refuge was able to retrieve the injured turtle to shore where it was then taken to GWMI.  Basa was diagnosed with pneumonia and gastrointestinal impaction.  After 3 months of extensive rehabilitation at the Institute, Basa is now ready to return back home.

We would like to thank the St. Vincent Wildlife Refuge for all the help and support provided to us and Basa.

Secret Douglas-Holmes Director of GWMI will be organizing the release and will be available for interviews. We are inviting the media to this event with the understanding that we will establish an area were the media can film and photograph the release.

This is a link on the first story on him when he was found

Posted by Vince Bishop - Friday, 07/06/12, 10:26 AM - Comments - Category: Fauna

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